It’s not all in your mind, there are actual changes that are responsible for the way you feel and function!
Brain decline actually starts in your 20’s with a slow loss of memory, visual processing, learning new skills and complex reasoning
Loss of muscle mass, 5% per each decade after 30
Structural support in the body declines in ligaments, tendons and cartilage so more aches and pains
Cardiovascular capacity or VO2 max (your endurance) normally drops 10% per decade after 40
Decreased ability to process food and nutrients
Your genes or genetic blueprint, are extremely susceptible to lifestyle for proper function that prevents aging, this is called “epigenetics“
After 30, flexibility slowly declines due to both lack of proper movement and more importantly, structural resistance in the muscles and ligaments
You lose 8-10% of your ability to recover from exercise or stress every decade after 30
Cells of the body are not as efficient at removing waste products and growth maintenance, without help, they will start the process of senescence, or cell death
The environment is more and more toxic each year as your body can’t ward off chemical and environmental stressors
The research is clear that your social support network is crucial to both brain function and health after 50
Coordination, fluid movement and balance decrease including the re-wiring of the brain to improper movement
Contrary to theory 10 years ago, a little bit of stress here and there from the cellular level all the way up to the whole body kicks the body into a higher gear to fight off aging.
Your legs and arms may look the same, but chances are there is less muscle under the skin as you get older!