How We Work

First and foremost, LivingVital has to be able to help you in achieving your goals. We are not right for everybody.

To this end, we ask you to take a short on-line survey. At your convenience, we will schedule a 21-minute call to understand your goals and health factors further. After the survey review, we will recommend a program flow and order to give you the best results for your situation. We ask you to consider how those steps will improve your life before committing to a starting date. Any information gathered in that survey or interview is governed by HIPAA and is privileged and confidential. If you choose not to participate, that information is securely destroyed. As we email a link to the survey, please request a connection through this email.

We will contact you at your preferred contact method to set up this discussion. Even if you don’t participate, you will learn things about aging, health, and performance. Why not?

Email for a link and we will contact you upon review of the basic information to set up a call to go over your goals and specifics.

Turn back the clock and gain vitality and living!